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ASHP models compatible with load management controllers

A heat pump on a stand in winter.

Air source heat pump (ASHP) performance in Minnesota’s cold climate has greatly improved over the past decade with the rise of inverter-driven technology, boosting ASHP popularity among Minnesota homeowners. Special “dual fuel” electric rates and off-peak programs offered by some utilities have also increased ASHP popularity. Participation in these utility programs can save homeowners hundreds of dollars each year and can drive consumer purchasing decisions.  

The key to unlocking this annual savings potential is for contractors and homeowners to work with their utility to connect a load management (LM) receiver to their qualifying dual fuel ASHP system. The receiver responds to signals from the utility to reduce the electric load when the cost of electricity is high. With the improved performance and expected lower outdoor temperature operation of today’s ASHPs, several manufacturers have developed new instructions for connecting their ASHPs to utility load management receivers. It is important that contractors follow these instructions to ensure proper performance and prevent equipment damage.  

Compatible Product List

Some ASHPs have integrated low voltage wiring options to connect to LM receivers. However, there are some ASHP models that are incompatible with the two-wire LM receivers, making them ineligible to participate in certain dual fuel and off-peak rate programs. The list below has been developed to identify ASHP models that are compatible with load management systems using two-wire LM receivers. Listed ASHP systems have undergone a field verification test confirming that the model sufficiently responses to utility control signals. 

This resource will help you: 

1. Identify ASHP models that are compatible with two-wire relay-based load management system or advanced demand response management systems (ADRMS) 

2. Access the ASHP manufacturers load management wiring instructions 

Download Product List


Submit New Data

This growing list only features ASHP models that have been field tested and verified, but we hope to capture as many models as possible to maximize market support. We encourage equipment distributors, manufacturers, and other industry actors to submit additional LM compatible ASHP systems by following the steps below. All submitted ASHP models will need to pass a field verification test before being included on the posted list.  


  1. Each model must provide one of the following: 

    • Factory equipped integrated connection points from the manufacturer for use with 2-wire utility load management systems.
    • A manufacturer-supplied load management integration kit with manufacturer-issued instructions for connecting to a 2-wire relay-based* utility load management receiver.
    • A manufacturer-endorsed load management integration kit with manufacturer-approved
  2. Proper functionality** of each new model added to the list must be tested and confirmed in the field by a GRE member utility representative. 


Proper functionality is defined as providing the following load management signal responses: 

  • Cooling Season Events
    • A 50%+ reduction in kW demand during cooling events via one of the following methods:
      1. A 50%+ throttled operation for the full duration of a control event
      2. A 15 minute on/15 minute off cycled approach*.
  • Heating Season Events
    • ASHP system must operate in a standby state (as close to full off as the system will allow) for the full duration of the control event (minimum of 80% demand reduction across duration of control event).
    • ASHP models without manufacturer issued instructions can still be enrolled in the load management rates and programs upon successfully completing a field test as directed by staff from your local cooperative however these units will not be added to the list of compatible equipment.

*Normally open or normally closed  

**Units using the cycled cooling approach that do not provide the full 15 minutes of on or off time will be deemed as not functioning properly.  

Steps to submit LM compatible ASHP models: 

  1. Download the data sheet template. 

  2. Read the instructions and confirm ASHP systems meet the listed criteria. 

  3. Fill out the data sheet template listing one base model per row.  

  4. Email the completed data sheet to All submitted models will undergo field test verification before they can be included on the posted list. List will be updated on a quarterly basis. 

Download the data sheet template