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Efficiently heat & cool your home with an
air source heat pump

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Heat pump installed outside of home

How heat pumps work

Heat pumps work by moving heat. They cool your home by moving heat outside, just like an air conditioner. However, unlike an air conditioner, heat pumps can also warm your home by moving heat inside. This process is very energy efficient. Even in cold weather, heat pumps can provide efficient and comfortable heating to your home. 

Learn about heat pump technology

Our Funders

The MN ASHP Collaborative is funded through Minnesota's Efficient Technology Accelerator, a partnership funded by the state’s investor-owned utilities (IOUs), administered by the Minnesota Department of Commerce, Division of Energy Resources (DER), and implemented by Center for Energy and Environment (CEE). The Collaborative is also funded by consumer-owned electric utilities, including Great River Energy, Missouri River Energy Services, and Southern Minnesota Municipal Power Agency.